Markas, a story of diversity and inclusion

We are more than 13,000 people, speaking around 50 different languages and coming from 90 different countries. Some of us work in Italy, some in Austria and some in Germany. Some of us are shy and some extremely extrovert. Some of us have straight hair, and some curly. All these differences, which characterize us and make each of our employees unique and special, enrich the human capital within our company. That's why during the last years we have been investing in various diversity and inclusion projects in order to make everyone feel accepted for who they truly are.

Watch the video to meet some of our colleagues or continue reading to discover more about our key inclusion initiatives!
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Family Audit

Inclusion also means creating a workplace that can meet employees' needs. Markas' latest Employee Satisfaction Survey, carried out among all Markas' staff, showed that one of the most important factors that play fundamental role is work-life balance. That’s why we obtained the Family Audit Certification with the goal of improving the well-being of our people and their families.
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Markas Lift: empowering future generations

We believe that positive community impact and a better future starts with us, our employees and their families. And this is the philosophy behind Markas Lift, a corporate welfare project that was born in 2021 and returned in 2023 with its second edition, this time including an additional scholarship in memory of the Markas' founder, Mario Kasslatter.

Through a creative bootcamp and with the guidance of certified tutors as well as Markas' key professional figures, Markas Lift aims at empowering our employee's children to develop their skills, enhance their strengths and help them make a difference in tomorrow's world. 

Find out more about Markas Lift initiative
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MATILDE project

Studying the impact of immigration and supporting the integration of migrants into the labor market: this has been the aim of MATILDE, a project coordinated by the University of Eastern Finland in collaboration with Caritas Diocese and the University of Turin.

Participating in this initiative gave us the opportunity to contribute to the creation of 'The Competences Report', a bespoke tool that can highlight soft skills and competences of foreign citizens and help foster inclusion and integration.

In addition, in recent years, we have reinforced our collaboration with local public organizations, cooperatives and associations to facilitate the hiring process of asylum seekers, socially disadvantaged individuals or people belonging to vulnerable groups.
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Gender equality, a concrete commitment

Obtaining the Gender Equality Certification is a concrete testimony to our commitment to an inclusive, fair and respectful work environment.
With this in mind, we have introduced innovative policies to ensure equal pay, transparency in selection processes and real opportunities for growth. In addition, our training and communication programs are designed to raise awareness among all employees about the importance of diversity and inclusion.
We actively promote work-life balance, supporting parenting and developing inclusive policies that accompany both women and men on their career paths. This commitment of ours has allowed us to be among Italy's Best Employers for Women in 2024.