
Sous-vide: a perfect blend of health and taste

The sous-vide is a cooking method that fascinates chefs all over the world and that is used to serve beautifully prepared dishes with an exclusive taste. Catching the opportunity to offer the quality of the starred cuisine to our users, Markas has specialized in this technique in order to provide a pleasing and genuine gastronomic experience.

But what are the benefits of the sous-vide compared to the more traditional cooking methods?
Unique taste, colour and texture of foods.
Softer and juicier meat.
Crunchy vegetables with a fresh flavour.
All this with a reduced intake of salt and seasoning fats.

Why cooking...

...the meats sous-vide​?
The sous-vide process prevents the ingredients from getting in contact with oxygen and water, keeping the functionalities of the vitamins of the B group contained in the red meat intact. The study made it possible to see how the content of vitamin B12 results higher compared with the other cooking methods.

...the vegetables sous-vide?
Heat is the worst enemy of the vitamins contained in vegetables.
Thanks to the low temperatures, the sous-vide method allows to keep the ingredients unaltered, letting them cook into their oligoelements. This process allows to preserve for example the vegetal pigment that provides the characteristic bright orange to the carrots and that indicates a statistically relevant presence of beta carotene.
Oven roasted turkey breast slices

Oven roasted turkey breast slices with tomatoes, mozzarella and a side-dish of vegetables

2 servings

120 gr. turkey breast
40 gr. tomatoes
300 gr. peppers, zucchini and carrots
20 gr. tomato sauce
20 gr. mozzarella
5 gr. black olives
Olive oil, Oregano, Salt and Pepper to taste

Start preparing the side-dish by washing and cutting the peppers, the zucchini and the carrots. Heat up a little olive oil in a pan and cook the vegetables until they are crispy. Cut the turkey breast into thin slices (1 cm each) and put them on a baking tray covered with parchment paper. Season the meat with oil and sprinkle some salt on it, then cook it in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile slice the tomatoes, the mozzarella and the olives. Put all the ingredients together and add some salt, pepper and some oregano. Season the tomato sauce with salt, pepper and the remaining oregano. After 10 minutes remove the turkey from the oven, pour some tomato sauce on it and add sliced olives, mozzarella and tomatoes on top. Put it back in the oven until the mozzarella melts. Serve the slices with the vegetables on the side.