Technical Director Thomas Meindorfer with a prototype of the reusable bag

Sustainable cleaning: Pilot project with reusable bags on cleaning trolleys

27.02.2024 - Austria

Sustainability is a central pillar of our corporate policy at Markas.
The company continuously makes decisions to minimize the use of resources and environmental pollution.
A particular focus is on the reduction of plastics.


Visiting GW St. Pölten

Latest innovation: Reusable waste bag


The latest innovation in this area is a reusable waste bag on the cleaning trolley. Up to now, cleaning cloths and mops were thrown into a plastic bag after use, which was then disposed of. With the new reusable bag, this amount of plastic waste can be significantly reduced. At the University Hospital St. Pölten, one of Markas‘ largest customers, around 100,800 m² of plastic waste can be saved per year. This corresponds to an area of about 14 football fields!


„We are constantly looking for innovative solutions to reduce our ecological footprint,“ explains Markas Managing Director Gerlinde Tröstl.

Markas Geschäftsführerin Gerlinde Tröstl mit GW Geschäftsführer Gerhard Nachförg

Local production in cooperation with GW St. Pölten Integrative Betriebe GmbH


The waste bag will be produced locally in the future in cooperation with the partner GW St. Pölten Integrative Betriebe GmbH. „We think that sustainability and social responsibility go hand in hand,“ says Tröstl.


Markas Managing Director Gerlinde Tröstl and Technical Director Thomas Meindorfer recently visited the responsible textile department together with GW Managing Director Gerhard Nachförg, where the first pilot samples of the reusable bag are being sewn.


„We are convinced of the potential of this innovation and look forward to further cooperation with GW St. Pölten Integrative Betriebe GmbH,“ says Tröstl.


When ecological meets social sustainability


GW St. Pölten is one of the largest integrative companies in Austria and has been in existence in St. Pölten for over 40 years. The modern and versatile industrial company employs around 580 people, of whom over 70% have disabilities. Markas has been awarding contracts for years, such as the packaging of Christmas gifts, to the local company. We are therefore particularly pleased to be able to intensify our cooperation with our long-standing partner.